
Privacy Policy

Paige Pritchard School of Dance is committed to processing any personal information it holds in ways that are fair, transparent and meet legal obligations. This privacy policy sets out details about how personal information is used and stored, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations legislation which came into force from 25th May 2018.

The records we hold and how long these are stored

When a pupil registers with the school we collect the following information, which is deleted when the pupil leaves the school:

·       Name & date of birth

·       Details of any medical conditions or allergies that we need to be aware of

·       Previous dance experience

·       Name address and contact details of parent/guardian

·       Name and contact details for an emergency contact

We also hold the following information on each pupil, which may be retained after a pupil leaves the school:

·       Results of examinations taken with the school

·       Attendance registers

·       Accident/incident reports

How the information is stored and deleted

Paper records are stored in a lockable cupboard when not in use.

We use the IDTA Masterclass Programme to store pupil information and prepare exam report forms; this software is kept on a password protected computer.

Sharing information

Personal information will not be disclosed to any unauthorised third party. Instances where it is necessary to share information:

·       Pupil information may be shared with staff or volunteers of Paige Pritchard School of Dance. This will only be the case when deemed necessary. All staff and volunteers are responsible for ensuring that any personal data which they hold is kept securely and any personal data they provide is accurate and up to date.

·       Pupil details such as name and date of birth will be shared with the International Dance Teachers Association (IDTA) when pupils are entered for examinations.

·       In order to comply with the Children and Young Persons Act, the school must apply for a Body of Persons Licence each time we hold a show. This involves sharing details (name, address and date of birth) of all children who are taking part with the local authority (Lincolnshire County Council).

Consent for use of data

Permission will be obtained for sharing information (in the ways outlined above), use of photographs and use of video recordings.

Permission can be withdrawn at any time by following the procedure set out below.

Withdrawing consent or making an information request

All individuals who have personal information held by Paige Pritchard School of Dance are entitled to: ask what information we hold about them and why, ask for a copy of it, be informed how to keep it up to date.

Disclosure requests, notification to withdraw consent or complaints should be made in writing to:

Paige Pritchard, Principal, Paige Pritchard School of Dance Email: paigepritchardschoolofdance@yahoo.com

Reviewed January 202This is a frequently asked question?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Child Protection Policy

It is the policy of the school to provide efficient, up to date, enjoyable and safe instruction in dance to all pupils.

No energetic instruction will be given without pupils undergoing a suitable warm-up session.

 A book will be kept to record any incident that occurs within the school.

 No pupil will be allowed to leave the school premises until collected by a parent, guardian or other authorised adult. A member of staff will remain on the premises until all pupils have left.

 No child may be photographed or videoed without the consent of a parent or guardian.

 All pupils are covered under the schools insurance.

 All members of staff have been DBS checked.

At all times staff will endeavour to maintain the highest standard of instruction and behaviour and most importantly, encourage the pupils to have fun during their lessons.

Reviewed January 2023

Covid -19

Pupils should not attend classes if they currently have tested positive for Covid-19.

Usual levels of commitment to classes are otherwise expected.
Paige Pritchard School of Dance teachers, staff and volunteers also agree to abide by these standards.

Miss Paige have completed Covid prevention training.  

This is all due to the fact Miss Paige is classed as vulnerable to COVID 19.