Terms and Conditions
Please read the following terms and conditions for dance classes before booking your child onto any of our dance sessions:
Spaces in each dance classes are limited due to health and safety therefore bookings are taken on a first come first serve basis.
Fee Payment
Our dance classes are paid half-termly. Each half-term is anywhere between 5 - 7 weeks depending on when the school holidays fall as we follow the Lincolnshire School Term Dates.
For the first half term when a new student joins the school classes are pay as you go to ensure the child enjoys the session. After the half term the fee for the term will be applied.
All course/class fees must be paid in advance and are non- refundable Unfortunately, if a student is absent from class parents will still need to pay for this session. Students are welcome to make up any missed classes at another venue of their choice.
If a pupil has a long-term illness or injury, fees may be refunded at the Principals discretion. This does not include minor illnesses or holidays taken mid-term.
Paige Pritchard School of Dance reserves the right to cancel or postpone any session for any reason. In the event of this happening an alternative session or a credit note for the following term will be offered if the term has already been paid for.
If your child cannot attend a session for any reason please notify Paige by message via email, Facebook message or by text. This can also be done in advance in person. (Please note: class fee's will still need to be paid if told in advance depending on circumstances)
If your child no longer wishes to attend classes for any reason please notify us at paigepritchardschoolofdance@yahoo.com so we can remove their name from the register. If we haven't heard from you and your child hasn't been to classes within a month we reserve the right to take your child's name off the register and give their space to someone else unless you have paid for the term upfront which saves your child's space.
Half a term's notice (i.e Classes from the start of Sept to Oct half term is classed as half a term) in writing is required for cancellation of classes. If notice is not provided in the time required the fee for that half term is still required. If a student is asked to leave a class due to a breach of any of the conditions detailed within this document they will not be refunded.
In the event of a school closing or if a School/Venue cancels a session Paige Pritchard School of Dance cannot be held responsible, please be aware that refunds may not be issued depending in circumstances.
All students must complete the pupil registration form upon joining the school.
Paige Pritchard School of Dance does not accept responsibility or liability of any loss or damage to personal property or effects.
Students are not permitted to use mobile phones during a class. Any mobile phone brought into the class is at the student’s own risk and these must be switched off or on silent. In exceptional circumstances, the student may be able to use their phone at the teacher's discretion.
Students are not permitted to chew gum whilst in class as this poses a health and safety risk.
A certain amount of risk is carried by any physical activity. Students taking part in any of our classes or events run by Paige Pritchard School of Dance do so at their own risk.
To ensure the correct teaching of dance, physical contact may be necessary to guide students into the correct stance etc. We always make these corrections with due care and respect for dignity. Please contact the Principal if you have any queries about this.
Photographs and videos of students may be taken and used as promotional material on our website and/or social media. Please let Paige know, in writing, if you prefer your child not be included.
Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy are available here.
Students and parents/ guardians are expected to demonstrate mutually respectful behaviour to the teaching staff, fellow students and the halls. Dancing is fun and is designed to be enjoyed by all so we ask each and every pupil to abide by this simple philosophy at all times. Poor behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in the student being asked to leave the School. Bullying is not tolerated and should be brought to the Principal’s attention immediately.
The School is affiliated with the International Dance Teachers Association (IDTA), for any examination is at the discretion of the class teacher and Principal. Students who do not adhere to our examination Terms and Conditions risk being withdrawn from the examination without a refund (Details upon invitation to take an exam).
All invoices and other materials will be presented online via email. Parents/ Guardians must provide a valid email address for this purpose.
The school timetable may be revised at any time but you will be notified of any changes.
By completing our registration form you are confirming you agree with our terms and conditions in the first instance.
From time to time we may revise our terms and conditions please read and check these before paying the term fees. We will notify parents in the parent portal if the terms are changed. The payment of the term acts as agreement to our terms and conditions.